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Technical Information DownloadsDownloadable Technical papers featuring Solar Light Products Downloadable Application notes Warranty Details for your Solar Light Products Download Instruction Manuals Download PMA Organizer Software Download Microtops® Organizer Software Download Internet Data Link Software Download USB-RS232 Driver Software
How do I set up Windows Hyper Terminal for use with Solar Lights products?Connect your PMA2100, 501 recorder, or MICROTOPS® to an available serial port on the back of your PC with the cable supplied with your instrument. In hyper terminal create a ‘new connection’. This can be done by clicking the Hypertrm.exe icon or via the menu within HyperTerminal ‘File:New Connection’. Type in a name for the connection (i.e. PMA2100, etc.). Under ‘connect using’ select ‘Direct to Com2’ if your available comport is com2 otherwise select the appropriate comport. Set ‘Bits per second’ to 2400 for the PMA2100. For MICROTOPS® and 501 recorder, set to same rate as the instrument. Set ‘Data Bits’ to 8. Set ‘Stop Bits’ to 1. Set ‘Flow control’ to None. In the File menu click Properties. When the Properties box appears go to the settings tab. Under Emulation select VT100. Under ‘File’ menu select ‘Save As’ and save the configuration file to a convenient folder. Hyper terminal should now work for PMA2100, 501 recorder and MICROTOPS®. You can create a shortcut to the configuration file and put it on the desktop or in a convenient folder, this makes life a bit easier. The configuration files typically have a naming convention of *.ht where the star is the name you chose when setting up the new connection.
Communicating with a 501, PMA2100, PMA2200, MICROTOPS I® remotely via a modem.This example assumes a U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6k or 56k external faxmodem A) Ensure the modem is turned OFF B) On the back of the modem set the dip switches as follows: 1 – Down (Data Terminal Ready Override) 2 – UP (Verbal result codes) 3 – Down (Display result codes) 4 – UP (Echo offline commands) 5 – UP (Auto answer enabled) 6 – UP (Carrier detect normal) 7 – Down (Load factor defaults) 8 – Down (Smart mode Enabled) C) Connect the modem to a PC serial port using a modem cable and turn the modem ON D) Using a communications program such as HyperTerminal, or ProComm, send the modem the following initialization string: AT&R1&N6&U6S0=1&W&Y if the initialization succeeds, the modem returns ‘OK’ E) On the back of the modem reset the following switches: 3 – UP (Suppress result codes) 4 – Down (No Echo) 7 – UP (Load default profile) F) Turn the modem OFF then ON again G) Connect the modem to the instrument’s serial port with the modem cable H) Set the recorder’s baud rate to 9600. I) Plug an analog phone line into the modem You can now communicate with the instrument by dialing the above mentioned analog phone line using a second modem and a communications software package. Breakdown of Initialization string AT Modem attention characters &R1 Modem ignores RTS and turns CTS on when ready to receive synchronous data &N6 Fixes highest connection speed to 9600 baud &U6 Fixes lowest connection speed to 9600 baud S0=1 Modem set to auto answer on 1st ring &W Stores configuration to user profile 0 &Y Sets user profile 0 as default NOTE: Phone line must be analog, have a dial tone, and have its own phone number.
My Microtops sunphotometer reports higher AOT at shorter wavelengths but on some occasions, AOTs are approx the same at several wavelengths.You are probably in a very low AOT environment. When AOTs are extremely low, the difference in AOT between wavelength channels, especially in the IR, can be less than the accuracy of the instrument.
Common ConversionsMED (minimal erythema dose) Conversions 1 MED/HR = 0.05833 W/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 210 J/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 21 mJ/cm2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED/HR = 2.33 UV Index SED (standard erythema dose) Conversions 1 SED = 100 J/m2 (erythemically effective) Ref: CIE S 007/E-1998 Radiance Conversions: 1 lux = 1 meter-candle = 1 lumen/m2 = 1 candela steradian/m2 1 foot-candle = 1 lumen/ft2 1 lumen/cm2 = 1.464129 mW/cm2 1 mW/cm2 = 10 W/m2
Do You Accept Returns?Returns are not accepted due to the cost of calibration that is required prior to shipment. Exchanges are allowed if a different sensitivity is required and if the meter is available in the same spectral range as originally purchased. Customer is responsible for return shipping door to door to our facility including all taxes and customs fees. To exchange, the request for factory approval must be made in writing.
Technical Information DownloadsDownloadable Technical papers featuring Solar Light Products Downloadable Application notes Warranty Details for your Solar Light Products Download Instruction Manuals Download PMA Organizer Software Download Microtops® Organizer Software Download Internet Data Link Software Download USB-RS232 Driver Software
How do I set up Windows Hyper Terminal for use with Solar Lights products?Connect your PMA2100, 501 recorder, or MICROTOPS® to an available serial port on the back of your PC with the cable supplied with your instrument. In hyper terminal create a ‘new connection’. This can be done by clicking the Hypertrm.exe icon or via the menu within HyperTerminal ‘File:New Connection’. Type in a name for the connection (i.e. PMA2100, etc.). Under ‘connect using’ select ‘Direct to Com2’ if your available comport is com2 otherwise select the appropriate comport. Set ‘Bits per second’ to 2400 for the PMA2100. For MICROTOPS® and 501 recorder, set to same rate as the instrument. Set ‘Data Bits’ to 8. Set ‘Stop Bits’ to 1. Set ‘Flow control’ to None. In the File menu click Properties. When the Properties box appears go to the settings tab. Under Emulation select VT100. Under ‘File’ menu select ‘Save As’ and save the configuration file to a convenient folder. Hyper terminal should now work for PMA2100, 501 recorder and MICROTOPS®. You can create a shortcut to the configuration file and put it on the desktop or in a convenient folder, this makes life a bit easier. The configuration files typically have a naming convention of *.ht where the star is the name you chose when setting up the new connection.
Communicating with a 501, PMA2100, PMA2200, MICROTOPS I® remotely via a modem.This example assumes a U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6k or 56k external faxmodem A) Ensure the modem is turned OFF B) On the back of the modem set the dip switches as follows: 1 – Down (Data Terminal Ready Override) 2 – UP (Verbal result codes) 3 – Down (Display result codes) 4 – UP (Echo offline commands) 5 – UP (Auto answer enabled) 6 – UP (Carrier detect normal) 7 – Down (Load factor defaults) 8 – Down (Smart mode Enabled) C) Connect the modem to a PC serial port using a modem cable and turn the modem ON D) Using a communications program such as HyperTerminal, or ProComm, send the modem the following initialization string: AT&R1&N6&U6S0=1&W&Y if the initialization succeeds, the modem returns ‘OK’ E) On the back of the modem reset the following switches: 3 – UP (Suppress result codes) 4 – Down (No Echo) 7 – UP (Load default profile) F) Turn the modem OFF then ON again G) Connect the modem to the instrument’s serial port with the modem cable H) Set the recorder’s baud rate to 9600. I) Plug an analog phone line into the modem You can now communicate with the instrument by dialing the above mentioned analog phone line using a second modem and a communications software package. Breakdown of Initialization string AT Modem attention characters &R1 Modem ignores RTS and turns CTS on when ready to receive synchronous data &N6 Fixes highest connection speed to 9600 baud &U6 Fixes lowest connection speed to 9600 baud S0=1 Modem set to auto answer on 1st ring &W Stores configuration to user profile 0 &Y Sets user profile 0 as default NOTE: Phone line must be analog, have a dial tone, and have its own phone number.
My Microtops sunphotometer reports higher AOT at shorter wavelengths but on some occasions, AOTs are approx the same at several wavelengths.You are probably in a very low AOT environment. When AOTs are extremely low, the difference in AOT between wavelength channels, especially in the IR, can be less than the accuracy of the instrument.
Common ConversionsMED (minimal erythema dose) Conversions 1 MED/HR = 0.05833 W/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 210 J/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 21 mJ/cm2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED/HR = 2.33 UV Index SED (standard erythema dose) Conversions 1 SED = 100 J/m2 (erythemically effective) Ref: CIE S 007/E-1998 Radiance Conversions: 1 lux = 1 meter-candle = 1 lumen/m2 = 1 candela steradian/m2 1 foot-candle = 1 lumen/ft2 1 lumen/cm2 = 1.464129 mW/cm2 1 mW/cm2 = 10 W/m2
Do You Accept Returns?Returns are not accepted due to the cost of calibration that is required prior to shipment. Exchanges are allowed if a different sensitivity is required and if the meter is available in the same spectral range as originally purchased. Customer is responsible for return shipping door to door to our facility including all taxes and customs fees. To exchange, the request for factory approval must be made in writing.
Technical Information DownloadsDownloadable Technical papers featuring Solar Light Products Downloadable Application notes Warranty Details for your Solar Light Products Download Instruction Manuals Download PMA Organizer Software Download Microtops® Organizer Software Download Internet Data Link Software Download USB-RS232 Driver Software
How do I set up Windows Hyper Terminal for use with Solar Lights products?Connect your PMA2100, 501 recorder, or MICROTOPS® to an available serial port on the back of your PC with the cable supplied with your instrument. In hyper terminal create a ‘new connection’. This can be done by clicking the Hypertrm.exe icon or via the menu within HyperTerminal ‘File:New Connection’. Type in a name for the connection (i.e. PMA2100, etc.). Under ‘connect using’ select ‘Direct to Com2’ if your available comport is com2 otherwise select the appropriate comport. Set ‘Bits per second’ to 2400 for the PMA2100. For MICROTOPS® and 501 recorder, set to same rate as the instrument. Set ‘Data Bits’ to 8. Set ‘Stop Bits’ to 1. Set ‘Flow control’ to None. In the File menu click Properties. When the Properties box appears go to the settings tab. Under Emulation select VT100. Under ‘File’ menu select ‘Save As’ and save the configuration file to a convenient folder. Hyper terminal should now work for PMA2100, 501 recorder and MICROTOPS®. You can create a shortcut to the configuration file and put it on the desktop or in a convenient folder, this makes life a bit easier. The configuration files typically have a naming convention of *.ht where the star is the name you chose when setting up the new connection.
Communicating with a 501, PMA2100, PMA2200, MICROTOPS I® remotely via a modem.This example assumes a U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6k or 56k external faxmodem A) Ensure the modem is turned OFF B) On the back of the modem set the dip switches as follows: 1 – Down (Data Terminal Ready Override) 2 – UP (Verbal result codes) 3 – Down (Display result codes) 4 – UP (Echo offline commands) 5 – UP (Auto answer enabled) 6 – UP (Carrier detect normal) 7 – Down (Load factor defaults) 8 – Down (Smart mode Enabled) C) Connect the modem to a PC serial port using a modem cable and turn the modem ON D) Using a communications program such as HyperTerminal, or ProComm, send the modem the following initialization string: AT&R1&N6&U6S0=1&W&Y if the initialization succeeds, the modem returns ‘OK’ E) On the back of the modem reset the following switches: 3 – UP (Suppress result codes) 4 – Down (No Echo) 7 – UP (Load default profile) F) Turn the modem OFF then ON again G) Connect the modem to the instrument’s serial port with the modem cable H) Set the recorder’s baud rate to 9600. I) Plug an analog phone line into the modem You can now communicate with the instrument by dialing the above mentioned analog phone line using a second modem and a communications software package. Breakdown of Initialization string AT Modem attention characters &R1 Modem ignores RTS and turns CTS on when ready to receive synchronous data &N6 Fixes highest connection speed to 9600 baud &U6 Fixes lowest connection speed to 9600 baud S0=1 Modem set to auto answer on 1st ring &W Stores configuration to user profile 0 &Y Sets user profile 0 as default NOTE: Phone line must be analog, have a dial tone, and have its own phone number.
My Microtops sunphotometer reports higher AOT at shorter wavelengths but on some occasions, AOTs are approx the same at several wavelengths.You are probably in a very low AOT environment. When AOTs are extremely low, the difference in AOT between wavelength channels, especially in the IR, can be less than the accuracy of the instrument.
Common ConversionsMED (minimal erythema dose) Conversions 1 MED/HR = 0.05833 W/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 210 J/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 21 mJ/cm2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED/HR = 2.33 UV Index SED (standard erythema dose) Conversions 1 SED = 100 J/m2 (erythemically effective) Ref: CIE S 007/E-1998 Radiance Conversions: 1 lux = 1 meter-candle = 1 lumen/m2 = 1 candela steradian/m2 1 foot-candle = 1 lumen/ft2 1 lumen/cm2 = 1.464129 mW/cm2 1 mW/cm2 = 10 W/m2
Do You Accept Returns?Returns are not accepted due to the cost of calibration that is required prior to shipment. Exchanges are allowed if a different sensitivity is required and if the meter is available in the same spectral range as originally purchased. Customer is responsible for return shipping door to door to our facility including all taxes and customs fees. To exchange, the request for factory approval must be made in writing.
Technical Information DownloadsDownloadable Technical papers featuring Solar Light Products Downloadable Application notes Warranty Details for your Solar Light Products Download Instruction Manuals Download PMA Organizer Software Download Microtops® Organizer Software Download Internet Data Link Software Download USB-RS232 Driver Software
How do I set up Windows Hyper Terminal for use with Solar Lights products?Connect your PMA2100, 501 recorder, or MICROTOPS® to an available serial port on the back of your PC with the cable supplied with your instrument. In hyper terminal create a ‘new connection’. This can be done by clicking the Hypertrm.exe icon or via the menu within HyperTerminal ‘File:New Connection’. Type in a name for the connection (i.e. PMA2100, etc.). Under ‘connect using’ select ‘Direct to Com2’ if your available comport is com2 otherwise select the appropriate comport. Set ‘Bits per second’ to 2400 for the PMA2100. For MICROTOPS® and 501 recorder, set to same rate as the instrument. Set ‘Data Bits’ to 8. Set ‘Stop Bits’ to 1. Set ‘Flow control’ to None. In the File menu click Properties. When the Properties box appears go to the settings tab. Under Emulation select VT100. Under ‘File’ menu select ‘Save As’ and save the configuration file to a convenient folder. Hyper terminal should now work for PMA2100, 501 recorder and MICROTOPS®. You can create a shortcut to the configuration file and put it on the desktop or in a convenient folder, this makes life a bit easier. The configuration files typically have a naming convention of *.ht where the star is the name you chose when setting up the new connection.
Communicating with a 501, PMA2100, PMA2200, MICROTOPS I® remotely via a modem.This example assumes a U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6k or 56k external faxmodem A) Ensure the modem is turned OFF B) On the back of the modem set the dip switches as follows: 1 – Down (Data Terminal Ready Override) 2 – UP (Verbal result codes) 3 – Down (Display result codes) 4 – UP (Echo offline commands) 5 – UP (Auto answer enabled) 6 – UP (Carrier detect normal) 7 – Down (Load factor defaults) 8 – Down (Smart mode Enabled) C) Connect the modem to a PC serial port using a modem cable and turn the modem ON D) Using a communications program such as HyperTerminal, or ProComm, send the modem the following initialization string: AT&R1&N6&U6S0=1&W&Y if the initialization succeeds, the modem returns ‘OK’ E) On the back of the modem reset the following switches: 3 – UP (Suppress result codes) 4 – Down (No Echo) 7 – UP (Load default profile) F) Turn the modem OFF then ON again G) Connect the modem to the instrument’s serial port with the modem cable H) Set the recorder’s baud rate to 9600. I) Plug an analog phone line into the modem You can now communicate with the instrument by dialing the above mentioned analog phone line using a second modem and a communications software package. Breakdown of Initialization string AT Modem attention characters &R1 Modem ignores RTS and turns CTS on when ready to receive synchronous data &N6 Fixes highest connection speed to 9600 baud &U6 Fixes lowest connection speed to 9600 baud S0=1 Modem set to auto answer on 1st ring &W Stores configuration to user profile 0 &Y Sets user profile 0 as default NOTE: Phone line must be analog, have a dial tone, and have its own phone number.
My Microtops sunphotometer reports higher AOT at shorter wavelengths but on some occasions, AOTs are approx the same at several wavelengths.You are probably in a very low AOT environment. When AOTs are extremely low, the difference in AOT between wavelength channels, especially in the IR, can be less than the accuracy of the instrument.
Common ConversionsMED (minimal erythema dose) Conversions 1 MED/HR = 0.05833 W/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 210 J/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 21 mJ/cm2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED/HR = 2.33 UV Index SED (standard erythema dose) Conversions 1 SED = 100 J/m2 (erythemically effective) Ref: CIE S 007/E-1998 Radiance Conversions: 1 lux = 1 meter-candle = 1 lumen/m2 = 1 candela steradian/m2 1 foot-candle = 1 lumen/ft2 1 lumen/cm2 = 1.464129 mW/cm2 1 mW/cm2 = 10 W/m2
Do You Accept Returns?Returns are not accepted due to the cost of calibration that is required prior to shipment. Exchanges are allowed if a different sensitivity is required and if the meter is available in the same spectral range as originally purchased. Customer is responsible for return shipping door to door to our facility including all taxes and customs fees. To exchange, the request for factory approval must be made in writing.
Technical Information DownloadsDownloadable Technical papers featuring Solar Light Products Downloadable Application notes Warranty Details for your Solar Light Products Download Instruction Manuals Download PMA Organizer Software Download Microtops® Organizer Software Download Internet Data Link Software Download USB-RS232 Driver Software
How do I set up Windows Hyper Terminal for use with Solar Lights products?Connect your PMA2100, 501 recorder, or MICROTOPS® to an available serial port on the back of your PC with the cable supplied with your instrument. In hyper terminal create a ‘new connection’. This can be done by clicking the Hypertrm.exe icon or via the menu within HyperTerminal ‘File:New Connection’. Type in a name for the connection (i.e. PMA2100, etc.). Under ‘connect using’ select ‘Direct to Com2’ if your available comport is com2 otherwise select the appropriate comport. Set ‘Bits per second’ to 2400 for the PMA2100. For MICROTOPS® and 501 recorder, set to same rate as the instrument. Set ‘Data Bits’ to 8. Set ‘Stop Bits’ to 1. Set ‘Flow control’ to None. In the File menu click Properties. When the Properties box appears go to the settings tab. Under Emulation select VT100. Under ‘File’ menu select ‘Save As’ and save the configuration file to a convenient folder. Hyper terminal should now work for PMA2100, 501 recorder and MICROTOPS®. You can create a shortcut to the configuration file and put it on the desktop or in a convenient folder, this makes life a bit easier. The configuration files typically have a naming convention of *.ht where the star is the name you chose when setting up the new connection.
Communicating with a 501, PMA2100, PMA2200, MICROTOPS I® remotely via a modem.This example assumes a U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6k or 56k external faxmodem A) Ensure the modem is turned OFF B) On the back of the modem set the dip switches as follows: 1 – Down (Data Terminal Ready Override) 2 – UP (Verbal result codes) 3 – Down (Display result codes) 4 – UP (Echo offline commands) 5 – UP (Auto answer enabled) 6 – UP (Carrier detect normal) 7 – Down (Load factor defaults) 8 – Down (Smart mode Enabled) C) Connect the modem to a PC serial port using a modem cable and turn the modem ON D) Using a communications program such as HyperTerminal, or ProComm, send the modem the following initialization string: AT&R1&N6&U6S0=1&W&Y if the initialization succeeds, the modem returns ‘OK’ E) On the back of the modem reset the following switches: 3 – UP (Suppress result codes) 4 – Down (No Echo) 7 – UP (Load default profile) F) Turn the modem OFF then ON again G) Connect the modem to the instrument’s serial port with the modem cable H) Set the recorder’s baud rate to 9600. I) Plug an analog phone line into the modem You can now communicate with the instrument by dialing the above mentioned analog phone line using a second modem and a communications software package. Breakdown of Initialization string AT Modem attention characters &R1 Modem ignores RTS and turns CTS on when ready to receive synchronous data &N6 Fixes highest connection speed to 9600 baud &U6 Fixes lowest connection speed to 9600 baud S0=1 Modem set to auto answer on 1st ring &W Stores configuration to user profile 0 &Y Sets user profile 0 as default NOTE: Phone line must be analog, have a dial tone, and have its own phone number.
My Microtops sunphotometer reports higher AOT at shorter wavelengths but on some occasions, AOTs are approx the same at several wavelengths.You are probably in a very low AOT environment. When AOTs are extremely low, the difference in AOT between wavelength channels, especially in the IR, can be less than the accuracy of the instrument.
Common ConversionsMED (minimal erythema dose) Conversions 1 MED/HR = 0.05833 W/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 210 J/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 21 mJ/cm2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED/HR = 2.33 UV Index SED (standard erythema dose) Conversions 1 SED = 100 J/m2 (erythemically effective) Ref: CIE S 007/E-1998 Radiance Conversions: 1 lux = 1 meter-candle = 1 lumen/m2 = 1 candela steradian/m2 1 foot-candle = 1 lumen/ft2 1 lumen/cm2 = 1.464129 mW/cm2 1 mW/cm2 = 10 W/m2
Do You Accept Returns?Returns are not accepted due to the cost of calibration that is required prior to shipment. Exchanges are allowed if a different sensitivity is required and if the meter is available in the same spectral range as originally purchased. Customer is responsible for return shipping door to door to our facility including all taxes and customs fees. To exchange, the request for factory approval must be made in writing.
Technical Information DownloadsDownloadable Technical papers featuring Solar Light Products Downloadable Application notes Warranty Details for your Solar Light Products Download Instruction Manuals Download PMA Organizer Software Download Microtops® Organizer Software Download Internet Data Link Software Download USB-RS232 Driver Software
How do I set up Windows Hyper Terminal for use with Solar Lights products?Connect your PMA2100, 501 recorder, or MICROTOPS® to an available serial port on the back of your PC with the cable supplied with your instrument. In hyper terminal create a ‘new connection’. This can be done by clicking the Hypertrm.exe icon or via the menu within HyperTerminal ‘File:New Connection’. Type in a name for the connection (i.e. PMA2100, etc.). Under ‘connect using’ select ‘Direct to Com2’ if your available comport is com2 otherwise select the appropriate comport. Set ‘Bits per second’ to 2400 for the PMA2100. For MICROTOPS® and 501 recorder, set to same rate as the instrument. Set ‘Data Bits’ to 8. Set ‘Stop Bits’ to 1. Set ‘Flow control’ to None. In the File menu click Properties. When the Properties box appears go to the settings tab. Under Emulation select VT100. Under ‘File’ menu select ‘Save As’ and save the configuration file to a convenient folder. Hyper terminal should now work for PMA2100, 501 recorder and MICROTOPS®. You can create a shortcut to the configuration file and put it on the desktop or in a convenient folder, this makes life a bit easier. The configuration files typically have a naming convention of *.ht where the star is the name you chose when setting up the new connection.
Communicating with a 501, PMA2100, PMA2200, MICROTOPS I® remotely via a modem.This example assumes a U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6k or 56k external faxmodem A) Ensure the modem is turned OFF B) On the back of the modem set the dip switches as follows: 1 – Down (Data Terminal Ready Override) 2 – UP (Verbal result codes) 3 – Down (Display result codes) 4 – UP (Echo offline commands) 5 – UP (Auto answer enabled) 6 – UP (Carrier detect normal) 7 – Down (Load factor defaults) 8 – Down (Smart mode Enabled) C) Connect the modem to a PC serial port using a modem cable and turn the modem ON D) Using a communications program such as HyperTerminal, or ProComm, send the modem the following initialization string: AT&R1&N6&U6S0=1&W&Y if the initialization succeeds, the modem returns ‘OK’ E) On the back of the modem reset the following switches: 3 – UP (Suppress result codes) 4 – Down (No Echo) 7 – UP (Load default profile) F) Turn the modem OFF then ON again G) Connect the modem to the instrument’s serial port with the modem cable H) Set the recorder’s baud rate to 9600. I) Plug an analog phone line into the modem You can now communicate with the instrument by dialing the above mentioned analog phone line using a second modem and a communications software package. Breakdown of Initialization string AT Modem attention characters &R1 Modem ignores RTS and turns CTS on when ready to receive synchronous data &N6 Fixes highest connection speed to 9600 baud &U6 Fixes lowest connection speed to 9600 baud S0=1 Modem set to auto answer on 1st ring &W Stores configuration to user profile 0 &Y Sets user profile 0 as default NOTE: Phone line must be analog, have a dial tone, and have its own phone number.
My Microtops sunphotometer reports higher AOT at shorter wavelengths but on some occasions, AOTs are approx the same at several wavelengths.You are probably in a very low AOT environment. When AOTs are extremely low, the difference in AOT between wavelength channels, especially in the IR, can be less than the accuracy of the instrument.
Common ConversionsMED (minimal erythema dose) Conversions 1 MED/HR = 0.05833 W/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 210 J/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 21 mJ/cm2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED/HR = 2.33 UV Index SED (standard erythema dose) Conversions 1 SED = 100 J/m2 (erythemically effective) Ref: CIE S 007/E-1998 Radiance Conversions: 1 lux = 1 meter-candle = 1 lumen/m2 = 1 candela steradian/m2 1 foot-candle = 1 lumen/ft2 1 lumen/cm2 = 1.464129 mW/cm2 1 mW/cm2 = 10 W/m2
Do You Accept Returns?Returns are not accepted due to the cost of calibration that is required prior to shipment. Exchanges are allowed if a different sensitivity is required and if the meter is available in the same spectral range as originally purchased. Customer is responsible for return shipping door to door to our facility including all taxes and customs fees. To exchange, the request for factory approval must be made in writing.
Technical Information DownloadsDownloadable Technical papers featuring Solar Light Products Downloadable Application notes Warranty Details for your Solar Light Products Download Instruction Manuals Download PMA Organizer Software Download Microtops® Organizer Software Download Internet Data Link Software Download USB-RS232 Driver Software
How do I set up Windows Hyper Terminal for use with Solar Lights products?Connect your PMA2100, 501 recorder, or MICROTOPS® to an available serial port on the back of your PC with the cable supplied with your instrument. In hyper terminal create a ‘new connection’. This can be done by clicking the Hypertrm.exe icon or via the menu within HyperTerminal ‘File:New Connection’. Type in a name for the connection (i.e. PMA2100, etc.). Under ‘connect using’ select ‘Direct to Com2’ if your available comport is com2 otherwise select the appropriate comport. Set ‘Bits per second’ to 2400 for the PMA2100. For MICROTOPS® and 501 recorder, set to same rate as the instrument. Set ‘Data Bits’ to 8. Set ‘Stop Bits’ to 1. Set ‘Flow control’ to None. In the File menu click Properties. When the Properties box appears go to the settings tab. Under Emulation select VT100. Under ‘File’ menu select ‘Save As’ and save the configuration file to a convenient folder. Hyper terminal should now work for PMA2100, 501 recorder and MICROTOPS®. You can create a shortcut to the configuration file and put it on the desktop or in a convenient folder, this makes life a bit easier. The configuration files typically have a naming convention of *.ht where the star is the name you chose when setting up the new connection.
Communicating with a 501, PMA2100, PMA2200, MICROTOPS I® remotely via a modem.This example assumes a U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6k or 56k external faxmodem A) Ensure the modem is turned OFF B) On the back of the modem set the dip switches as follows: 1 – Down (Data Terminal Ready Override) 2 – UP (Verbal result codes) 3 – Down (Display result codes) 4 – UP (Echo offline commands) 5 – UP (Auto answer enabled) 6 – UP (Carrier detect normal) 7 – Down (Load factor defaults) 8 – Down (Smart mode Enabled) C) Connect the modem to a PC serial port using a modem cable and turn the modem ON D) Using a communications program such as HyperTerminal, or ProComm, send the modem the following initialization string: AT&R1&N6&U6S0=1&W&Y if the initialization succeeds, the modem returns ‘OK’ E) On the back of the modem reset the following switches: 3 – UP (Suppress result codes) 4 – Down (No Echo) 7 – UP (Load default profile) F) Turn the modem OFF then ON again G) Connect the modem to the instrument’s serial port with the modem cable H) Set the recorder’s baud rate to 9600. I) Plug an analog phone line into the modem You can now communicate with the instrument by dialing the above mentioned analog phone line using a second modem and a communications software package. Breakdown of Initialization string AT Modem attention characters &R1 Modem ignores RTS and turns CTS on when ready to receive synchronous data &N6 Fixes highest connection speed to 9600 baud &U6 Fixes lowest connection speed to 9600 baud S0=1 Modem set to auto answer on 1st ring &W Stores configuration to user profile 0 &Y Sets user profile 0 as default NOTE: Phone line must be analog, have a dial tone, and have its own phone number.
My Microtops sunphotometer reports higher AOT at shorter wavelengths but on some occasions, AOTs are approx the same at several wavelengths.You are probably in a very low AOT environment. When AOTs are extremely low, the difference in AOT between wavelength channels, especially in the IR, can be less than the accuracy of the instrument.
Common ConversionsMED (minimal erythema dose) Conversions 1 MED/HR = 0.05833 W/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 210 J/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 21 mJ/cm2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED/HR = 2.33 UV Index SED (standard erythema dose) Conversions 1 SED = 100 J/m2 (erythemically effective) Ref: CIE S 007/E-1998 Radiance Conversions: 1 lux = 1 meter-candle = 1 lumen/m2 = 1 candela steradian/m2 1 foot-candle = 1 lumen/ft2 1 lumen/cm2 = 1.464129 mW/cm2 1 mW/cm2 = 10 W/m2
Do You Accept Returns?Returns are not accepted due to the cost of calibration that is required prior to shipment. Exchanges are allowed if a different sensitivity is required and if the meter is available in the same spectral range as originally purchased. Customer is responsible for return shipping door to door to our facility including all taxes and customs fees. To exchange, the request for factory approval must be made in writing.
Technical Information DownloadsDownloadable Technical papers featuring Solar Light Products Downloadable Application notes Warranty Details for your Solar Light Products Download Instruction Manuals Download PMA Organizer Software Download Microtops® Organizer Software Download Internet Data Link Software Download USB-RS232 Driver Software
How do I set up Windows Hyper Terminal for use with Solar Lights products?Connect your PMA2100, 501 recorder, or MICROTOPS® to an available serial port on the back of your PC with the cable supplied with your instrument. In hyper terminal create a ‘new connection’. This can be done by clicking the Hypertrm.exe icon or via the menu within HyperTerminal ‘File:New Connection’. Type in a name for the connection (i.e. PMA2100, etc.). Under ‘connect using’ select ‘Direct to Com2’ if your available comport is com2 otherwise select the appropriate comport. Set ‘Bits per second’ to 2400 for the PMA2100. For MICROTOPS® and 501 recorder, set to same rate as the instrument. Set ‘Data Bits’ to 8. Set ‘Stop Bits’ to 1. Set ‘Flow control’ to None. In the File menu click Properties. When the Properties box appears go to the settings tab. Under Emulation select VT100. Under ‘File’ menu select ‘Save As’ and save the configuration file to a convenient folder. Hyper terminal should now work for PMA2100, 501 recorder and MICROTOPS®. You can create a shortcut to the configuration file and put it on the desktop or in a convenient folder, this makes life a bit easier. The configuration files typically have a naming convention of *.ht where the star is the name you chose when setting up the new connection.
Communicating with a 501, PMA2100, PMA2200, MICROTOPS I® remotely via a modem.This example assumes a U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6k or 56k external faxmodem A) Ensure the modem is turned OFF B) On the back of the modem set the dip switches as follows: 1 – Down (Data Terminal Ready Override) 2 – UP (Verbal result codes) 3 – Down (Display result codes) 4 – UP (Echo offline commands) 5 – UP (Auto answer enabled) 6 – UP (Carrier detect normal) 7 – Down (Load factor defaults) 8 – Down (Smart mode Enabled) C) Connect the modem to a PC serial port using a modem cable and turn the modem ON D) Using a communications program such as HyperTerminal, or ProComm, send the modem the following initialization string: AT&R1&N6&U6S0=1&W&Y if the initialization succeeds, the modem returns ‘OK’ E) On the back of the modem reset the following switches: 3 – UP (Suppress result codes) 4 – Down (No Echo) 7 – UP (Load default profile) F) Turn the modem OFF then ON again G) Connect the modem to the instrument’s serial port with the modem cable H) Set the recorder’s baud rate to 9600. I) Plug an analog phone line into the modem You can now communicate with the instrument by dialing the above mentioned analog phone line using a second modem and a communications software package. Breakdown of Initialization string AT Modem attention characters &R1 Modem ignores RTS and turns CTS on when ready to receive synchronous data &N6 Fixes highest connection speed to 9600 baud &U6 Fixes lowest connection speed to 9600 baud S0=1 Modem set to auto answer on 1st ring &W Stores configuration to user profile 0 &Y Sets user profile 0 as default NOTE: Phone line must be analog, have a dial tone, and have its own phone number.
My Microtops sunphotometer reports higher AOT at shorter wavelengths but on some occasions, AOTs are approx the same at several wavelengths.You are probably in a very low AOT environment. When AOTs are extremely low, the difference in AOT between wavelength channels, especially in the IR, can be less than the accuracy of the instrument.
Common ConversionsMED (minimal erythema dose) Conversions 1 MED/HR = 0.05833 W/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 210 J/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 21 mJ/cm2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED/HR = 2.33 UV Index SED (standard erythema dose) Conversions 1 SED = 100 J/m2 (erythemically effective) Ref: CIE S 007/E-1998 Radiance Conversions: 1 lux = 1 meter-candle = 1 lumen/m2 = 1 candela steradian/m2 1 foot-candle = 1 lumen/ft2 1 lumen/cm2 = 1.464129 mW/cm2 1 mW/cm2 = 10 W/m2
Do You Accept Returns?Returns are not accepted due to the cost of calibration that is required prior to shipment. Exchanges are allowed if a different sensitivity is required and if the meter is available in the same spectral range as originally purchased. Customer is responsible for return shipping door to door to our facility including all taxes and customs fees. To exchange, the request for factory approval must be made in writing.
Technical Information DownloadsDownloadable Technical papers featuring Solar Light Products Downloadable Application notes Warranty Details for your Solar Light Products Download Instruction Manuals Download PMA Organizer Software Download Microtops® Organizer Software Download Internet Data Link Software Download USB-RS232 Driver Software
How do I set up Windows Hyper Terminal for use with Solar Lights products?Connect your PMA2100, 501 recorder, or MICROTOPS® to an available serial port on the back of your PC with the cable supplied with your instrument. In hyper terminal create a ‘new connection’. This can be done by clicking the Hypertrm.exe icon or via the menu within HyperTerminal ‘File:New Connection’. Type in a name for the connection (i.e. PMA2100, etc.). Under ‘connect using’ select ‘Direct to Com2’ if your available comport is com2 otherwise select the appropriate comport. Set ‘Bits per second’ to 2400 for the PMA2100. For MICROTOPS® and 501 recorder, set to same rate as the instrument. Set ‘Data Bits’ to 8. Set ‘Stop Bits’ to 1. Set ‘Flow control’ to None. In the File menu click Properties. When the Properties box appears go to the settings tab. Under Emulation select VT100. Under ‘File’ menu select ‘Save As’ and save the configuration file to a convenient folder. Hyper terminal should now work for PMA2100, 501 recorder and MICROTOPS®. You can create a shortcut to the configuration file and put it on the desktop or in a convenient folder, this makes life a bit easier. The configuration files typically have a naming convention of *.ht where the star is the name you chose when setting up the new connection.
Communicating with a 501, PMA2100, PMA2200, MICROTOPS I® remotely via a modem.This example assumes a U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6k or 56k external faxmodem A) Ensure the modem is turned OFF B) On the back of the modem set the dip switches as follows: 1 – Down (Data Terminal Ready Override) 2 – UP (Verbal result codes) 3 – Down (Display result codes) 4 – UP (Echo offline commands) 5 – UP (Auto answer enabled) 6 – UP (Carrier detect normal) 7 – Down (Load factor defaults) 8 – Down (Smart mode Enabled) C) Connect the modem to a PC serial port using a modem cable and turn the modem ON D) Using a communications program such as HyperTerminal, or ProComm, send the modem the following initialization string: AT&R1&N6&U6S0=1&W&Y if the initialization succeeds, the modem returns ‘OK’ E) On the back of the modem reset the following switches: 3 – UP (Suppress result codes) 4 – Down (No Echo) 7 – UP (Load default profile) F) Turn the modem OFF then ON again G) Connect the modem to the instrument’s serial port with the modem cable H) Set the recorder’s baud rate to 9600. I) Plug an analog phone line into the modem You can now communicate with the instrument by dialing the above mentioned analog phone line using a second modem and a communications software package. Breakdown of Initialization string AT Modem attention characters &R1 Modem ignores RTS and turns CTS on when ready to receive synchronous data &N6 Fixes highest connection speed to 9600 baud &U6 Fixes lowest connection speed to 9600 baud S0=1 Modem set to auto answer on 1st ring &W Stores configuration to user profile 0 &Y Sets user profile 0 as default NOTE: Phone line must be analog, have a dial tone, and have its own phone number.
My Microtops sunphotometer reports higher AOT at shorter wavelengths but on some occasions, AOTs are approx the same at several wavelengths.You are probably in a very low AOT environment. When AOTs are extremely low, the difference in AOT between wavelength channels, especially in the IR, can be less than the accuracy of the instrument.
Common ConversionsMED (minimal erythema dose) Conversions 1 MED/HR = 0.05833 W/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 210 J/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 21 mJ/cm2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED/HR = 2.33 UV Index SED (standard erythema dose) Conversions 1 SED = 100 J/m2 (erythemically effective) Ref: CIE S 007/E-1998 Radiance Conversions: 1 lux = 1 meter-candle = 1 lumen/m2 = 1 candela steradian/m2 1 foot-candle = 1 lumen/ft2 1 lumen/cm2 = 1.464129 mW/cm2 1 mW/cm2 = 10 W/m2
Do You Accept Returns?Returns are not accepted due to the cost of calibration that is required prior to shipment. Exchanges are allowed if a different sensitivity is required and if the meter is available in the same spectral range as originally purchased. Customer is responsible for return shipping door to door to our facility including all taxes and customs fees. To exchange, the request for factory approval must be made in writing.
Technical Information DownloadsDownloadable Technical papers featuring Solar Light Products Downloadable Application notes Warranty Details for your Solar Light Products Download Instruction Manuals Download PMA Organizer Software Download Microtops® Organizer Software Download Internet Data Link Software Download USB-RS232 Driver Software
How do I set up Windows Hyper Terminal for use with Solar Lights products?Connect your PMA2100, 501 recorder, or MICROTOPS® to an available serial port on the back of your PC with the cable supplied with your instrument. In hyper terminal create a ‘new connection’. This can be done by clicking the Hypertrm.exe icon or via the menu within HyperTerminal ‘File:New Connection’. Type in a name for the connection (i.e. PMA2100, etc.). Under ‘connect using’ select ‘Direct to Com2’ if your available comport is com2 otherwise select the appropriate comport. Set ‘Bits per second’ to 2400 for the PMA2100. For MICROTOPS® and 501 recorder, set to same rate as the instrument. Set ‘Data Bits’ to 8. Set ‘Stop Bits’ to 1. Set ‘Flow control’ to None. In the File menu click Properties. When the Properties box appears go to the settings tab. Under Emulation select VT100. Under ‘File’ menu select ‘Save As’ and save the configuration file to a convenient folder. Hyper terminal should now work for PMA2100, 501 recorder and MICROTOPS®. You can create a shortcut to the configuration file and put it on the desktop or in a convenient folder, this makes life a bit easier. The configuration files typically have a naming convention of *.ht where the star is the name you chose when setting up the new connection.
Communicating with a 501, PMA2100, PMA2200, MICROTOPS I® remotely via a modem.This example assumes a U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6k or 56k external faxmodem A) Ensure the modem is turned OFF B) On the back of the modem set the dip switches as follows: 1 – Down (Data Terminal Ready Override) 2 – UP (Verbal result codes) 3 – Down (Display result codes) 4 – UP (Echo offline commands) 5 – UP (Auto answer enabled) 6 – UP (Carrier detect normal) 7 – Down (Load factor defaults) 8 – Down (Smart mode Enabled) C) Connect the modem to a PC serial port using a modem cable and turn the modem ON D) Using a communications program such as HyperTerminal, or ProComm, send the modem the following initialization string: AT&R1&N6&U6S0=1&W&Y if the initialization succeeds, the modem returns ‘OK’ E) On the back of the modem reset the following switches: 3 – UP (Suppress result codes) 4 – Down (No Echo) 7 – UP (Load default profile) F) Turn the modem OFF then ON again G) Connect the modem to the instrument’s serial port with the modem cable H) Set the recorder’s baud rate to 9600. I) Plug an analog phone line into the modem You can now communicate with the instrument by dialing the above mentioned analog phone line using a second modem and a communications software package. Breakdown of Initialization string AT Modem attention characters &R1 Modem ignores RTS and turns CTS on when ready to receive synchronous data &N6 Fixes highest connection speed to 9600 baud &U6 Fixes lowest connection speed to 9600 baud S0=1 Modem set to auto answer on 1st ring &W Stores configuration to user profile 0 &Y Sets user profile 0 as default NOTE: Phone line must be analog, have a dial tone, and have its own phone number.
My Microtops sunphotometer reports higher AOT at shorter wavelengths but on some occasions, AOTs are approx the same at several wavelengths.You are probably in a very low AOT environment. When AOTs are extremely low, the difference in AOT between wavelength channels, especially in the IR, can be less than the accuracy of the instrument.
Common ConversionsMED (minimal erythema dose) Conversions 1 MED/HR = 0.05833 W/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 210 J/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 21 mJ/cm2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED/HR = 2.33 UV Index SED (standard erythema dose) Conversions 1 SED = 100 J/m2 (erythemically effective) Ref: CIE S 007/E-1998 Radiance Conversions: 1 lux = 1 meter-candle = 1 lumen/m2 = 1 candela steradian/m2 1 foot-candle = 1 lumen/ft2 1 lumen/cm2 = 1.464129 mW/cm2 1 mW/cm2 = 10 W/m2
Do You Accept Returns?Returns are not accepted due to the cost of calibration that is required prior to shipment. Exchanges are allowed if a different sensitivity is required and if the meter is available in the same spectral range as originally purchased. Customer is responsible for return shipping door to door to our facility including all taxes and customs fees. To exchange, the request for factory approval must be made in writing.
Technical Information DownloadsDownloadable Technical papers featuring Solar Light Products Downloadable Application notes Warranty Details for your Solar Light Products Download Instruction Manuals Download PMA Organizer Software Download Microtops® Organizer Software Download Internet Data Link Software Download USB-RS232 Driver Software
How do I set up Windows Hyper Terminal for use with Solar Lights products?Connect your PMA2100, 501 recorder, or MICROTOPS® to an available serial port on the back of your PC with the cable supplied with your instrument. In hyper terminal create a ‘new connection’. This can be done by clicking the Hypertrm.exe icon or via the menu within HyperTerminal ‘File:New Connection’. Type in a name for the connection (i.e. PMA2100, etc.). Under ‘connect using’ select ‘Direct to Com2’ if your available comport is com2 otherwise select the appropriate comport. Set ‘Bits per second’ to 2400 for the PMA2100. For MICROTOPS® and 501 recorder, set to same rate as the instrument. Set ‘Data Bits’ to 8. Set ‘Stop Bits’ to 1. Set ‘Flow control’ to None. In the File menu click Properties. When the Properties box appears go to the settings tab. Under Emulation select VT100. Under ‘File’ menu select ‘Save As’ and save the configuration file to a convenient folder. Hyper terminal should now work for PMA2100, 501 recorder and MICROTOPS®. You can create a shortcut to the configuration file and put it on the desktop or in a convenient folder, this makes life a bit easier. The configuration files typically have a naming convention of *.ht where the star is the name you chose when setting up the new connection.
Communicating with a 501, PMA2100, PMA2200, MICROTOPS I® remotely via a modem.This example assumes a U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6k or 56k external faxmodem A) Ensure the modem is turned OFF B) On the back of the modem set the dip switches as follows: 1 – Down (Data Terminal Ready Override) 2 – UP (Verbal result codes) 3 – Down (Display result codes) 4 – UP (Echo offline commands) 5 – UP (Auto answer enabled) 6 – UP (Carrier detect normal) 7 – Down (Load factor defaults) 8 – Down (Smart mode Enabled) C) Connect the modem to a PC serial port using a modem cable and turn the modem ON D) Using a communications program such as HyperTerminal, or ProComm, send the modem the following initialization string: AT&R1&N6&U6S0=1&W&Y if the initialization succeeds, the modem returns ‘OK’ E) On the back of the modem reset the following switches: 3 – UP (Suppress result codes) 4 – Down (No Echo) 7 – UP (Load default profile) F) Turn the modem OFF then ON again G) Connect the modem to the instrument’s serial port with the modem cable H) Set the recorder’s baud rate to 9600. I) Plug an analog phone line into the modem You can now communicate with the instrument by dialing the above mentioned analog phone line using a second modem and a communications software package. Breakdown of Initialization string AT Modem attention characters &R1 Modem ignores RTS and turns CTS on when ready to receive synchronous data &N6 Fixes highest connection speed to 9600 baud &U6 Fixes lowest connection speed to 9600 baud S0=1 Modem set to auto answer on 1st ring &W Stores configuration to user profile 0 &Y Sets user profile 0 as default NOTE: Phone line must be analog, have a dial tone, and have its own phone number.
My Microtops sunphotometer reports higher AOT at shorter wavelengths but on some occasions, AOTs are approx the same at several wavelengths.You are probably in a very low AOT environment. When AOTs are extremely low, the difference in AOT between wavelength channels, especially in the IR, can be less than the accuracy of the instrument.
Common ConversionsMED (minimal erythema dose) Conversions 1 MED/HR = 0.05833 W/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 210 J/m2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED = 21 mJ/cm2 (erythemically effective) 1 MED/HR = 2.33 UV Index SED (standard erythema dose) Conversions 1 SED = 100 J/m2 (erythemically effective) Ref: CIE S 007/E-1998 Radiance Conversions: 1 lux = 1 meter-candle = 1 lumen/m2 = 1 candela steradian/m2 1 foot-candle = 1 lumen/ft2 1 lumen/cm2 = 1.464129 mW/cm2 1 mW/cm2 = 10 W/m2
Do You Accept Returns?Returns are not accepted due to the cost of calibration that is required prior to shipment. Exchanges are allowed if a different sensitivity is required and if the meter is available in the same spectral range as originally purchased. Customer is responsible for return shipping door to door to our facility including all taxes and customs fees. To exchange, the request for factory approval must be made in writing.
Solarmeter Australia
Econlux GmbH (Hong Kong)
VirtuaVia (SARL)
Hong Kong
ECONLUX GmbH (Hong Kong)
JRT Co., Ltd.
MK Scientific Ltd.
Yubinbango 244-0003
Kanagawa Prefecture, Totsuka-ku,
Yokohama-shi Totsuka-cho, 1500
MK Scientific Ltd.
JRT Co., Ltd.
X-Reptile Switzerland / Aqua-Terra-World
Merlin Lazer Ltd.
Rolls Farm Barns
Hastingwood Road
Magdalen Laver Ongar Essex. CM5 0EN
+44 (0)1279 438 459
Peregrine Livefoods Ltd.
Arthur Rickwood Farm
Chatteris Road, Mepal, Ely,
Cambridgeshire, CB6 2AZ
+44 1223 208261
Monkfield Nutrition
Midlothian, VA
Ralph Buro
Cook Associates
For Alabama, Washington DC, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia.
Kitchener, ON, Canada
Gord Leachman
GL Photonics
For Arkansas, Canada, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Wisconsin.
Phillipsburg, NJ
Peter Curreri
Starlight Electro Optics
For Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Vermont.
West Linn, OR
Dave Butts
Griot Group
For Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
Light All
Deepti Marketing Services
HK International
Forter Technology
Yod Unhavaithaya
66 81 814 0959
Aditus Technik
Martinroda, Germany
Ingo Fischbach
Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany
49 (3677) 790 558
Opteema Engineering
Photo Analytical
Haarlem, Netherlands
Frans van der Meij
Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands
31 (23) 544 1164
Krasnoyarsk and Kaliningrad, Russia
Dmitriy Zhiltsov
Russia and CIS countries
7 (391) 278 30 92
Eniseylab Ltd.
Pro-Lite Technology Ltd.
Middle East
SK Advanced
Pacific Rim
Quark Photonics PTY LTD
Av. Franklin D. Roosevelt 5828
Buenos Aires C1431BZV, Argentina
Alejandro Álvarez
Sales and Marketing Director
Phone: +54-11 4574-3500
Fax: +54-11 4574-3600
Lobov Cientifica
153 Olinda-Monbulk Rd
Olinda, Victoria Australia 3788
Stuart Rumble
+61 (0) 407 312 709
Quark Photonics PTY LTD
Industriepark “Zwaluwbeek”
Hogenakkerhoekstraat 14
B – 9150 Kruibeke, Belgium
Geert Van Cleemput
Sales Engineer Materials Testing
Phone: +32-3 250-1570
Fax: +32-3 252-8783
Elscolab NV
TLS – Te Lintelo Systems BV
Rua Alvaro de Menezes 74 – sala 104007-020
Sao Paulo SP
Hamilton dos Santos
Phone: +55-11 3884-8756
Fax: +55-11 3887-8271
Tecnotests Produtos e Servicos Ltda.
Mississauga Distribution & Service Facility
6535 Millcreek Drive, Unit #71
Mississauga, ON L5N 2M2
Telephone: +1 905-812-9200
Toll Free: +1 800-268-2735
Fax: +1 905-812-9203
Gamble Technologies Limited
Avd. San Francisco de Asis Nr 150 – Of. 507 – 508 – 509
Vitacura, Santiago, Chile
Jorge Landon
+56-2 657 1691-2-3
Inducien Instruments S.A
E5/F, Bldg M7,
1# JiuXianQiao
East Rd, Beijing,100016
Zhang Weibin
Tel 1: 86-10 8809 6218
Tel 2:8809 6099
Fax: 86-10 8809 6216
Golden Way Scientific
Room 306, Fortune Building,
2# Building, Fuhai Center
No.17 Daliushu Road, Haidian District,
Beijing 100081, China
Mr. Liu Wei
Phone: +86-10 6218-6640
Fax: +86-10 6218-2326
Beijing Jinhongfan Trading Co., Ltd
127 rue de Buzenval – BP 26
Garches, France 92380
Daniel Guez
Phone: +33-1 47 95 9912
Fax: +33-1 47 01 1622
Equipments Scientifique
Agaram Industries
73, Nelson Manickam Road, Aminjikarai, Chennai 600 029
Other locations include:
Mumbai, New Delhi, and Hyderabad
Phone 1: +91 44 2374 1413
Phone 2: +91 90031 30625
Elron Instrument Company PVT. LTD.
301 Skyline House, 85 Nehru Place, New Delhi, 110019 India
Satish Aneja
Exclusive rep for 501 units, Microtops & PMA meters & sensors only
Phone 1: +91 2643 9006
Phone 2: +91 2646 9613
Fax: +91 2627 4205
Southern Dynamics (P) Ltd
PO BOX 2515, Fourth Floor
37 (Old 110) Nelson Manickam Road Chennai (Madras) 600029
Phone: +91 44 2374-1203
Fax: +91 44 4211-3813
Komplek Rawa Bambu Satu,
Jalan. A, No. 22 Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan
Inodonesia 12520
Tel: +62 (021) 7815046, 7815008, 081281899833
Fax: +62 (021) 7817757
64 Arlozorov st., Ramat-Gan52493, Israel.
P.O.Box 18125, Tel-Aviv 61181, Israel
Uri Abudi / Anna Kiselev
Phone: +972-3 670-0007
Fax: +972-3 672-7319
10 Ha’amal St., Scopus Building,
2nd Floor, Afek Park, Rosh Ha’ayin, 48092, Israel.
Yosi Tzadik
Phone: +972-3 910-6060
Fax: +972-3 910-6050
Wise Tech Ltd
4, rue des Roses
MC 98000 Monaco
Mark Bruzzone
Phone: +377 93 25 26 08
Fax: +377 93 25 37 36
Monaderm Monaco
7th Floor, Toranomon Denki Bldg.
8-1, Toranomon, 2-Chome
Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0001 Japan
Kazuhiko Matsuo
Phone: +81-3 6268-8441
Fax: +81-3 6268-8440
Sondecx Co., Ltd.
5th Floor, Takeichi BLDG.
Nihonbashi 2-9-1, Tyuuou-ku, Tokyo, 103-0027 Japan
Tel: 03-6411-5320
Fax: 03-6411-4319
TAKIBUN Company Limited
7th Floor of Hanway Building 65-7, Bangi-Dong,
Songpa-Ku, Seoul, Korea.
Young Woo Lee Danny Lee
Phone: +82-02 419 3112-4
Fax 1: +82-02 470 7438
Fax 2: +82-02 419-2111
Hanway Trading Co., Ltd.
Rm. No. 702, Life-Combi Bldg.
61-4, Yoido-Dong
Seoul, Korea 150-732
JinHyung Lee
Phone: +82-2 783-5141
Fax: +82-2 783-5144
Dongwuk C & I Co., Ltd.
TLS – Te Lintelo Systems BV
52C Jalan 19/3
46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
CY Say
Phone: +6-03 7956-7861
Fax: +6-03 7956-7871
Dutech Scientific (M) Sdn. Bhd.
4, rue des Roses
MC 98000 Monaco
Mark Bruzzone
Phone: +377 93 25 26 08
Fax: +377 93 25 37 36
Monaderm Monaco
TLS – Te Lintelo Systems BV
Unit 2308 Medical Plaza Ortigas
San Miguel Avenue, Ortigas Center
1605 Pasig City Philippines
Vanessa Flores / Raisa Aguilar
Phone: +63-2 638-23-17
Fax: +63-2 638-23-18
ALVTechnologies Philippines Incorporated.
5/F BT&T Center, #20 E. Rodriguez Jr. Avenue
Bagumbayan, Quezon City 1100, Philippines
Phone: +63-2 655-6325
Mobile + 63 998 960 0250
Fax: +63-2 655-4626
DKSH Philippines Inc.
ul. Lubomira 4
04-002 Warsaw -Poland
Karoline Wolny
Phone: +48-22 810 01 28
Fax: +48-22 870 24 08
Mobile +48 665 150 151
MS Spektrum
Room 102, 10 Shelkovaya St.
Krasnoyarsk, 660025, Russia
Vladimir Vershinin
Phone: +391 278-30-92
Fax: +391 201-51-53
Eniseylab Ltd
c/ Mestre J. Jambert, 8
08348 Cabrils, Barcelona, Spain
Jose Cochon
Phone: +34-93-7500121
Fax: +34-93-7500323
Laser Technology S.L
Room 806, No. 100, Chang Chun Road,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Mr. C. C. Chang
Phone 1: +886-2 2521 9295
Phone 2: +886-2-2521-9296
Fax: +886-2 2561 9839
Liesing Co., Ltd.
99/532 Ramkhamhaeng Rd., Saphansung
Bangkok 10240, Thailand
Phonphat Na Nakhon
Phone: +66-2-729 0927
Fax: +66-2-729 1348
Spectral Technology Instrument Co., Ltd.
65/1 Sukhaphiban 2 Road, Prawet
Prawet, Bangkok 10250
Mr. Krit Phianmungsamphan & Mr.Pongsak Vanichanontawat
Namsiang Co., Ltd.
United Kingdom
Innovation Centre, University Way,
Cranfield Bedfordshire, MK43 0BT, UK
Phone: +44 1234 436110
Fax: +44 1234 436111