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Solar Light, LLC

How Utilizing Our SPF-290AS UV Transmittance Analyzer Can Benefit Your Clothing Company

Alyssa Saftlas

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, more individuals have been diagnosed with skin cancer than all other forms of cancer combined. While most people grab a bottle of sunscreen to protect themselves, sometimes it is not enough, and they have to pile on extra layers of clothing to prevent themselves from being overexposed to ultraviolet radiation (UVR).

If you own a clothing line and/or manufacture a clothing line, you can help to protect the population against sunburn and skin cancer by boosting your line’s UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor). In fact, if you would like to enhance your line’s quality, as well as its ability to stand up to UV rays in general, you should strongly consider our SPF-290AS UV TransmittanceAnalyzer. In a nutshell, testing your clothing will give you an idea of how long your clothing will last, how quickly the colors will fade, and much more, when it exposed to the sun. If you didn’t know, one of the biggest benefits of this is that you can find out, in just a matter of days, how your clothing will fare after a year of being exposed to UV light.

Our SPF-290AS UV Transmittance Analyzer can help you to determine how you can make the clothing more impenetrable to UV light.

For example, if you weren’t aware (although we hope you are), you can put additional UV inhibitors into your dyes. Also, if you want, you can choose a different fabric or textiles to provide ample protection. Inevitably, while you might not be able to completely protect your customers from those harmful UV rays, you will be providing them with clothing that will help to prevent some of the damage.

Unfortunately, these days, most summer fabrics do not provide sufficient UV protection. And, unfortunately, most consumers are either not aware of, or do not know, which UV protective clothing they should wear. So, if you want to get ahead of the game and provide your customers with clothing that does more than just protect them from cold and make them appear stylish, you can consider making it more resistant to UV rays.

To learn more about how our SPF-290AS UV TransmittanceAnalyzer can benefit your clothing company, please reach out to us at any time.

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