Solar Light Company, LLC’s Accelerated Outdoor UV / Sun Fade Testing Lab specializes in outdoor exposure of plastics (including vinyls, PE, ABS, acrylics, polycarbonates, PET, HIPS, and other synthetic materials,) paints, coatings, textiles, inks, dyes, papers (including cardboards and wallpapers,) and any other materials which are subject to degradation outside. The company’s state of the art laboratory uses either xenon arc sources or fluorescent sources of several types, depending on the customer’s unique requirements. In most cases, exposure to a year’s worth of sunlight can be accomplished in approximately a week, objectively determining the sample material’s reaction. As the test proceeds, trained physicists are able to collect data points such as colorimetry, gloss measurements, photography, and more, ultimately producing a formal report detailing all results of the test. By utilizing this service, material manufacturers will now be able to determine accurate results quickly, at a very low cost, to determine which material formulation to use for optimum quality and reduced warranty claims. Contact uswith your Materials Testing needs today for more details!