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Solar Light, LLC

Detector Standards

A recognized worldwide leader in high quality spectroradiometric, radiometric, and photometric standards, we offer one of the most complete selection of calibration standards in the industry. Since 1970, we have been in the forefront of developing and supplying NIST-traceable standards, enabling our users to approach state-of-the-art accuracies when calibrating optical radiation measurement instrumentation.


A large selection of high sensitivity detector modules are available for use with the OL Series 750 Automated Spectroradiometric Measurement System to effectively cover the entire wavelength range of 0.2 to 30 µm.


The OL Series 730-TE Thermoelectrically (TE) Cooled Detector Packages are designed for making broadband measurements with radiometer/photometers, such as the OL 730CV, or lock-in amplifiers such as the OL 730D. The OL 730-TE Detectors can also be used for making spectral measurements with spectroradiometer systems, such as the OL Series 750.


The OL 740-17 is a broadband detector with a KRS-5 windows and a 5 mm diameter, blackened lithium tantalate crystal.


The OL 730-5A and OL 730-5C UV-Enhanced Silicon Detectors are high impedance, low capacitance, planar diffusion photodiodes. These detectors exhibit superior uniformity over the receiver and are linear from a few femtowatts to a few milliwatts.

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