Vitamin D3 Meter
Solar Light’s versatile NIST-Traceable PMA-Series Datalogging Radiometers / Photometers are designed for scientific professionals, offering unparalleled accuracy and flexible data management. These unit accepts over 85 different PMA21xx-Series sensors measuring UV, Visible, and IR wavelengths. Choose from the advanced Model PMA2100 Dual-Input Data Logging Radiometer or the standard Single-Input Model PMA2200.

Outdoors, take the meter reading pointing straight up for global normal (direct plus diffuse) irradiance. Indoors, take the meter reading at “body position” distance from the UVR lamp array. You will note outdoors that clear-sky solar zenith angle (SZA) has the largest effect on meter reading being highest during summer noon times. Sky clarity (deep blue) and altitude will also influence readings higher. Indoors, the percent UVB and wattage of UVR lamps have the largest effect on readings. They are typically 3-5 times higher than solar noon values.