Hybrid Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (HDRS) non-invasive SPF method, in accordance with the ISO 23698:2024 standard, provides UVA𝘱𝘧, SPF and Critical Wavelength results while eliminating the ethical and safety considerations present with current erythema in vivo test methods. Solar Light has developed this disruptive technology to augment its own technology used in the industry for the past 50 years.
As the Global Leader providing the current gold standard for SPF measurements today, Solar Light has developed the fastest performing HDRS instruments on the market, keeping product research, formulation and clinical testing in mind. HDRSplus™ software is designed specifically for a clinical testing laboratory environment and simplifies all HDRS calculations.
ISO 23698:2024 SPF Measurement Standard
Clinical Testing for UVApf, Critical Wavelength, and UVA1/UV
Spreading Analysis Used for Technician Training
Fast SPF and UVA𝘱𝘧 Results
Typical 30 Seconds per Measurement
Easy SPF & In Vitro Data Handling & Results
Integrated Data Processing System, Automated Computations and Data Reporting
Non-Invasive (No Skin Erythema)
Monochromatic Measurements from 290nm – 400nm
UVA Spectral Absorption Curves for Each Sample
Total Energy is Below the International UV Safety Measurement Threshold Minimums and Does Not Require Technician or Subject Safeguards
Subjects May Participate in a HDRS Test Once Per 7 Days
Laptop and HDRSplus™ Software Included
Visual Indicator for System Ready and Measurement Status
Small Footprint to Minimize Bench Space