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Solar Light, LLC

OL 459 Tunable Led Standard

The OL 459 Tunable LED Standard is designed for use as a reference source when calibrating VIS & NIR imaging cameras, photometers, colorimeters, and other optical instruments. The user can define various reference spectral profiles to suit the application requirements of the devices under test.

The OL 459 is packaged in a single, portable enclosure consisting of a 6-inch diameter integrating sphere, auxiliary reference port, keypad/display panel, luminance monitor, internal high-power multi-LED input source and all control electronics.

The keypad/ display panel is used to monitor and adjust the driving current and luminance of five separate, temperature-controlled LED channels. Remote control of the source is possible via USB interface and the supporting software, allowing for on/off source control, 

driving current tuning, and profile management. Internally, the OL 459 can store ten spectral profiles and four calibration factors that can be readily accessed from its keypad & display. Under software control from a Windows PC, there is no limit to the number of custom profiles and calibrations that may be utilized by the OL 459.

The OL 459 includes blue, green, red, deep red, and NIR channels. The OL 459 can be customized in a variety of ways, including sphere size and source wavelength range. Additionally, customer specific chromaticity, luminance, and spectral radiance calibrations can be provided.

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