The decontamination of personal protective equipment (PPE) requires accurate determination of UVC dose. With PMA UVC germicidal sensors from Solar Light Company, LLC, you can determine the exact UVC dose reaching the PPE from outside the room. Full data logging capabilities and alarm set-points are available for up to 2-channels.
PMA2100 Dual-Input Radiometer
Measures UVC Dose and Intensity
Manual or Automatic Data Logging
Measures 0-2,000 μW/cm2 or 20,000 μW/cm2 UVC Intensity
NIST-Traceable Calibration
Made in USA
Kit Includes:
PMA2100 Handheld Radiometer
2 x PMA 2122-10 UVC Germicidal Sensor (UVC Intensity Range 0-2,000 uW/cm2) with 10m Cable
Universal Power Supply
Rechargeable Battery
Battery Charger
PMA Organizer Software (Software is listed under ‘Literature and Downloads’ Tab)
Carry Case
NIST Certificate