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Solar Light, LLC

6″ (15.25 cm) 1000W Pre-Irradiation Solar Simulator Model LS1000-6S-009

1000W Pre-Irradiation Solar Simulator Kit specifically designed for the pre-irradiation step during in vitro broad spectrum sunscreen testing. Fully compliant with the most current FDA and ISO requirements. The 6″ (15.25 cm) Class A beam can irradiate up to 9 PMMA plates simultaneously.

Solar Light’s state of the art single output LS1000-6S-009 Pre-Irradiation Solar Simulator Kit produces solar UV radiation in the 290-400nm range, and can be quickly and easily configured by the user to provide UVA only, UVB only, UVA+B, or full spectrum sunlight optionally. This precision research-grade hardware is specifically designed for the pre-irradiation step during in vitro broad spectrum sunscreen testing, and is fully compliant with the most current FDA and ISO requirements. The 4″ (10 cm) Class A beam can irradiate up to 9 PMMA plates simultaneously. Everything required for instant testing right out of the crate is included direct from the factory: 1000W Solar Simulator, DCS-2 Dose Controller / Radiometer, NIST-traceable PMA-Series Erythema and UVA Sensors, molded or sandblasted PMMA Plates, and all related accessories!

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