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Solar Light, LLC

17025 Calibrations Services

Solar Light Company, LLC is officially A2LA-accredited to perform specialized calibrations, meeting rigorous standards for accuracy and quality. Explore our accredited services below to learn more.

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CMC (±)


Total Luminous Flux – Measurement of Incandescent Lamps

45 W

75 W

200 W

Comparison to spectral radiance flux lamp.

(550 to 790) lm

(1135 to 1270) lm

(4440 to 5850) lm


Total Spectral Radiant Flux– Measurement of 45 W, 75 W, & 200 Incandescent Lamps

Up to 30 mW/nm

Comparison to spectral radiance flux lamp. Reported in W/nm within wavelength range.

(300 to 320) nm
(330 to 350) nm
(360 to 410) nm
(420 to 460) nm
(470 to 580) nm
(590 to 820) nm
(830 to 930) nm
(940 to 1040) nm
(1050 to 1100) nm

3.5 %
3.0 %
2.5 %
2.0 %
1.5 %
1.3 %
1.5 %
2.0 %
2.5 %

Spectral Irradiance – Measurement of 45 W, 200 W, & 1000 W Incandescent Lamps.

Up to 25 µW/(cm2 nm)

Comparison to NIST FEL 1000 W lamp. Reported in W/(cm² nm) within wavelength range.

250 nm
260 nm
(270 to 280) nm
(290 to 300) nm
(310 to 320) nm
(330 to 350) nm
(360 to 390) nm
(400 to 450) nm
(500 to 600) nm
(654.6 to 1100) nm

6.5 %
6.0 %
5.0 %
4.2 %
3.5 %
3.1 %
2.5 %
2.4 %
1.7 %
1.3 %

Integrated Spectral Irradiance Response – Measurement of Accentor Radiometer.

(340 to 350) nm

Comparison to Xenon transfer lamp.

(0.080 to 0.104) V

4.5 %

1. This laboratory offers commercial calibration service.


2. Calibration and Measurement Capability Uncertainty (CMC) is the smallest uncertainty of measurement that a laboratory can achieve within its scope of accreditation when performing more or less routine calibrations of nearly ideal measurement standards or nearly ideal measuring equipment. CMCs represent expanded uncertainties expressed at approximately the 95 % level of confidence, usually using a coverage factor of k = 2. The actual measurement uncertainty of a specific calibration performed by the laboratory may be greater than the CMC due to the behavior of the customer’s device and to influences from the circumstances of the specific calibration.


3. In the statement of CMC, percentages are defined as percent of reading, unless otherwise noted.

4. This scope meets A2LA’s P112 Flexible Scope Policy.

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