Materials Testing Services
Solar Light’s Materials Testing Services Lab offers Accelerated UV Testing including outdoor accelerated UV testing and indoor accelerated light testing, Spectroradiometric Testing including spectral irradiance measurements and spectral response testing, Spectral Transmission Tests including ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) testing and UV / VIS / IR spectral transmission tests, Visible Light Reflectance Tests, and Custom Tests.
Accelerated UV testing (2)
Solar Light Company, LLC provides Accelerated UV Testing of Materials services, for both indoor & outdoor exposure, using either xenon arc sources or fluorescent sources of several types. Our lab can expose your samples to UV, simulating a year’s worth of sunlight in just a few days. We can expose plastics, paints, coatings, textiles, papers, and other materials to UV light to test how they will stand up to years of abuse. Using only state of the art Solar Light Solar Simulators, we customize a testing regimen specifically for each’s customer’s unique requirements, and the accelerated life testing will objectively show how a material reacts to long term sunlight exposure. We have decades of experience in such testing, and are the first choice for the most demanding clients in Aerospace, Automotive, Medical, Fashion, Furniture, and dozens of other industries worldwide. -
Reflectance Testing (1)
Solar Light's Materials Testing Lab offers a variety of Reflectance Tests. With our Visible Light Reflectance Test service, we may use any number of color coordinate systems, the primary being the CIE L*a*b* system. The L * value indicates the Level of Light- Dark. (0 – 100) the a* value Redness or Greenness (-100 = Green; +1-00 = Red) the b* value Yellowness or Blueness (-100) = Blue; +100 = Yellow) The two measures calculated are: 1) DELTA E which is obtained by the formula √((L*-L*)² + (a*-a*0)² +(b*-b*0)²) (1) The Delta E value merges the overall color change into a parameter that provides a single overall value of change from the baseline. Where L*, a* and b* are the CIE colorimetric parameters such that the L * value indicates the Level of Light- Dark, the a* value Redness or Greenness, and the b* value Yellowness or Blueness. The delta E is always positive (or zero) and a value less than 2.0 is generally considered as a change of color that is less than what the human eye can distinguish. 2) The Yellowness Index YE313 (per ASTM E313) The Yellowness Index (ASTM E313) characterizes the amount of “Yellowing” on a scale of -100 (saturated blue to +100 saturated yellow). -
Spectral Transmission Tests (3)
Solar Light Company, LLC can provide accurate spectral transmission tests and analysis of materials in multiple spectra for any testing requirement. Using advanced spectroradiometers, monochromators, NIST traceable standard lamps, and NIST Traceable standard sensors, we can provide absolute spectroradiometric analyses with detailed reports, showing sample performance under strict parameters. -
Spectroradiometric Testing (2)
Solar Light provides absolute spectroradiometric testing analyses including spectral response of sensors, spectral irradiance of light sources, and spectral light transmission characteristics of materials from UV to near-IR. Tests are performed using advanced spectroradiometers, monochromators, NIST traceable standard lamps, NIST Traceable standard detectors, and other specialized equipment.